Saturday, 26 March 2016
We decided to reshoot the main section of the title sequence as we felt that it did not really fit.After reading through feedback from our first cut viewing we realised that tight main bulk did not fit with the image we were trying to get across to the audience.We decided to change our setting and move to the dark room so that we could make it feel more eerie and creepy.This worked well as after putting all the clips together we could see that this was a better choice if setting for our piece.
Friday, 25 March 2016
Royalty free music
we used website such as
we look for music that was fast paced and would go along with the theme of mystery.We wanted fast paced music to move along the story and to keep with the thriller theme.We found music in the end in the youtube royalty free music library and found the track of the creepy sounding nursery thyme that we use in the beginning of the piece.We found our other music that we used on and downloaded them to iTunes before transferring them on to final cut pro.
we look for music that was fast paced and would go along with the theme of mystery.We wanted fast paced music to move along the story and to keep with the thriller theme.We found music in the end in the youtube royalty free music library and found the track of the creepy sounding nursery thyme that we use in the beginning of the piece.We found our other music that we used on and downloaded them to iTunes before transferring them on to final cut pro.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
filming journal week 2
This week we planned don filming the montage scenes for our title sequence we got permission to leave school during our media lesson to go and film our montage scene.We went to bexleyheath and welling to find things suitable enough for us to use to film of the montage we wanted to create in our title sequence,
Feedback after first cut screening
The feedback said that we should maybe think about reshooting parts as we used a day where the weather was bright and sunny which does not really fit with the image that we wanted the title sequence to create.It was also mention that the montage seen we had planned to use did not really fit with the narrative and confused many people as to what the narrative actually was.We have decided we are going to plan a time to reshoot and to plan some new clips for the montage scene.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
First cut feedback

This is the feedback from when we showed are title sequence first draft. The feedback came back quite positively with just a few areas of improvement. We found out that the stop motion worked well and looked effective in creating the eerie atmosphere in our title sequence. We found out that the road signs and arrows montage did not work as it just confused the narrative and did not fit. We will have to film a new montage to make the narrative clearer.
Filming Journal Week 1
This week we filmed the main section of our title sequence we filmed this at our setting of a house we filled the secion of the title sequence that included props that we were using such as a evidence envelope this was a main scene in the title sequence as it included the main section including showing the protagonist and introduced the character of the boy that went missing.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
we looked at fonts such as


Monday, 21 March 2016
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Friday, 18 March 2016
To edit our title sequence we used final cut pro we collected all of the clips that we filmed and put them all together.We had a limit of the sequence not being over two minutes and we had over 3 and a half minutes of footage.We decided to cut out scenes that did not really have as much of a place or scenes that the title sequence could work and make sense without.This concluded in us cutting scenes such as a bar scene that we were planning soon using for the end of the title sequence but then decided not to.Cutting down he footage also meant that we were met with some problems which meant we had to re film so prices so they wren shorter and also so it was easier to keep to the time limit we had been set.We also encountered the problem of the title sequence looking a lot like a trailer for a film so we needed to cut up the clips and cut out some of the details so it seemed like less of a trailer and more like a title sequence to keep with our brief.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Thriller codes and conventions
Thriller codes and conventions.
The codes and conventions of a thriller film include building tension until you get to the main part of the story.It includes the protagonists trying to fix a problem whilst the antagonist is trying to cause more issues for them. The aim of the protagonist is to restore justice to the storyline.Thrillers usually include such factors as a low lighting,fast cuts and usually include music which makes the audience feel tension. Montague is also a common feature of thriller films as it shows a quick succession of clips in a short period of time. The antagonist character is often kept secret all and discovered at a later point of the film to keep the audience interested and to add some mystery to the film. The story line will include many twists and turns so that the audience are not sure what is coming next.It will be unpredictable so that the guidance are not sure what will happen next.
Close up shots of the protagonist will be used to show the characters emotions and body language as this is an important factor of moving the story along in thrillers.Many thrillers will also include dark and quick shots of the antagonist as to not reveal their identity. Cross cutting is also a main part of the editing of the title sequence as it gives different ideas and character feelings.
Close up shots of the protagonist will be used to show the characters emotions and body language as this is an important factor of moving the story along in thrillers.Many thrillers will also include dark and quick shots of the antagonist as to not reveal their identity. Cross cutting is also a main part of the editing of the title sequence as it gives different ideas and character feelings.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
We used gone girl as an inspiration for our title sequence as it also uses the connotations of a thriller.We also had a mildly similar storyline as the story of our title sequence also includes a missing person although unlike gone girl it is a child.We thought that this had a similar vibe to our title sequence as it included the thriller aspects of the sequence that we wanted to include and to base our title sequence on.It was important that we saw what another title sequence looked liked with a similar storyline to ours so that we could then create and extend our ideas with the use of inspiration form another title sequence.
We used gone girl as an inspiration for our title sequence as it also uses the connotations of a thriller.We also had a mildly similar storyline as the story of our title sequence also includes a missing person although unlike gone girl it is a child.We thought that this had a similar vibe to our title sequence as it included the thriller aspects of the sequence that we wanted to include and to base our title sequence on.It was important that we saw what another title sequence looked liked with a similar storyline to ours so that we could then create and extend our ideas with the use of inspiration form another title sequence.
We created the props that we needed including a missing child poster a detective cards and we also made props to make it look like a real case. We also created scraps of paper to use with stop motion to add the names of the actors and directors in our title sequence.
These props helped us created a believable title sequence so that it became a believable scene for the storyline that we were creating. We used the props such as the missing poster and the evidence file to make the scene an even more believable setting and storyline.
We used photoshop to create a missing child's poster for us to use in our title sequence we did this so that the scene look as real as possible and so that it was a more believable setting.This also continued the storyline on more as we used the poster to help the storyline move along.
we also created a fake detective card so that the audience also had an clue of what might happen later on in the story.We also used this so that we could continue the storyline along again and so that the props link back to the storyline.
We used photoshop to create a missing child's poster for us to use in our title sequence we did this so that the scene look as real as possible and so that it was a more believable setting.This also continued the storyline on more as we used the poster to help the storyline move along.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016
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